Study Goals


Representatives from Virginia529 attend events throughout the community. Get real answers to your questions about saving for higher education. Texans may enroll in the plan at any time between Sept. 1 and Feb. 28 (Feb. 29 in leap years).

In the UAE the instructor who emailed the URL for the survey taught two of the course sections. The students in the other two sections knew this instructor from taking courses with her previously. The students participating in this study were a convenience sample based on the disciplines taught by the researchers. Most of the literature concerning student perception of DE courses, both blended and entirely online, involves students who have enrolled in online courses.

The appeals court rejected the N.C.A.A.’s argument that compensating athletes would alienate sports fans who prize students’ amateur status. A powerful N.C.A.A. panel is scheduled to meet this week to discuss how players could profit off their renown, but it is not clear when members will vote, particularly in the wake of Monday’s ruling. More broadly, a study showed that when a football team "rises from mediocre to great," applications increase 18.7%.

Access to rigorous standards, curricula, and courses is also a key ingredient to a high-quality education. At a minimum, states should ensure that all students have access to algebra in eighth grade and to Advanced Placement or similar rigorous courses in high schools. Times have changed dramatically since the Rodriguez decision, and there is deepening consensus that federal government has an important role in supporting the education of students with the greatest needs. A just K-12 public schooling system should meaningfully prepare all students, including the most disadvantaged, for their roles in public service or democratic governance. This is key to ensuring America’s next generation of leaders serve, defend, and represent the various interests of society.


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